
A Quick Summary So Far

*Toured the Faith Alive clinic with Dr. Mercy
*Sat in on the TB clinic
*Visited Pro-Health International, an organization that does medical missions into rural areas with teams of 40-50 doctors and a mobile surgical unit
*Visited the sewing, knitting, computer and wood-carving schools
*Met Blessing, a graduate of the Faith Alive sewing school, in the shop she now owns
*Sat with Pastor Esther as she did pre- and post-HIV test counseling
*Adjusted to bucket baths, no running water, and only a few unpredictable hours of electricity
*8 am devotions and prayer meeting at the clinic
*Observed in the lab and got to help administer HIV and hepatitis tests
*Accompanied Dr. Chris to a "dedication"- he was asked to pray over and bless a local business that's just about to open
*Sat with Dr. Chris as he met with patients in the evening after a full day of teaching medicine at the university

It's been raining for most of the afternoon every day since we've been here. Temperatures are usually around the low 70s, which most Nigerians think is pretty cold (I tend to agree- I'm glad I brought my sweatshirt.) Jos is in the Plateau State of Nigeria, and the coolest city in the country. So far mosquitos (or any other bugs, for that matter) have not really been a problem- we spot a couple every evening in the flat, but haven't broken out the bugspray yet.

1 comment:

Russ McCahan said...

WOW you guys have been busy!!!! Have you met Julie yet? She is trying to help with the mentally ill girl who is dressed in trash and lives outside on the way to Dr. Chris house. Please check in and pray for her. The man who sells fish and a neighbor near by named Emanullea some times can leave her food. I can provide a place in Abjua if we can get her to respond, at sisters Oreosa compound.
We are praying for both of you. I belive God has a plan to bring Jos and Ft. Collins closer together.
With Great Hope